breeders are privileged people. Being in such close contact with such
magnificent animals is such a lovely experience. The maintenance and up keep of
horse is no easy job and requires a lot of expense as well as attention.

you own horses, you need to take extra care of the health and fitness of your
horse. They are fine animals but without proper care their health can
deteriorate. Weak horses are prone to injury and this can be a very sad state. Using
the vibration technology is a good
way to maintain your horse’s health and ensure that they are getting the
required daily exercise too.
you want to keep your horses healthy and protect them from injury, a great way
is with the vibration technology. When
a horse is regularly exercised and his muscles are strong, he is less likely to
face injury. With the vibration technology the blood circulation of the horse
is improved. All his vital organs are in the peak of health and he is suppler
in his movement. With the improved blood circulation it also helps to prevent
injury as the weak areas that he has are internally healed with the help of the
vibration therapy.
your horse with a massage using the whole body vibration. The vibration
platform has different frequencies and you can set it for your horse. The vitafloor platform is absolutely safe for your horses and they seem to love the
massage that they go through the vibration therapy. The whole body vibration
can be included in their daily exercise and training routine. This will keep
your horses very energised and lively.
Help colic with Vibration therapy
strikes horses frequently and is a common disorder of the digestive system of
the horses. With regular use of the vibration technology the
horses no longer suffer from colic. This can be a great relief for the horse
owners. When a horse is in pain with colic it is quite heart wrenching and you
tend to feel so helpless.