Monday 1 June 2015

Significant benefits of vibrating floors and Vitafloor trailer for training of horses

Vibration therapy for horses has been widely accepted and has attained great popularity over the years. 

The demand for the vibrating floors has increased considerably across various parts of the globe. The trainers, equestrians, and rehabilitation professionals have fully understood the benefits of the vibrating floors.

Vibrating floor for horses is being extensively used by the riders and trainers all fields associated with horse care and training with an objective of creating the most ideal and safest environment for training as well as rehab of horses. Vitafloor vibrating floor system is an important equine vibration equipment offering versatile physical training plus massage to horses. Vibrating floor for horses is exclusively designed for horses and is based on the well known principles of Whole Body Vibration Training that are employed to train astronauts in promoting the development of bone density and muscle tone.

 Benefits of Vitafloor

·         The Vitafloor® vibrating floor systems show a remarkable enhancement in blood circulation, specifically in the legs of the horse.
·          In addition, the upper body organs of the horse also get some good exercise ultimately ensuring overall better health and injury prevention.
·         Vitafloor helps quicker healing of injuries.
·         Moreover, it helps colic prevention that is ideal for horses which are on box rest.

Vitafloor Trailer

The Vitafloor® unit can be constructed with a new Shadow 2 horse trailer or any other existing vibrating floor units. The advantage of a trailer model is that it can also l be utilized as a trailer for transportation. You have to plug in to be fully functional as a vibrating floor. Another advantage is that the horse can comfortably stand in the trailer, and it can be subjected for vibrations, after reaching the desired location. The vibrating floor unit can also be built in with the tilting system so as to further improve the positive effects of training. It is very easy to use, and these models are available for purchase and rental in most of the locations.

If you are looking for the highest quality vibrating floor for your horse, shop at Vitafloor.

Monday 25 May 2015

Keep Your Horse Healthy with Vibration Therapy

The vibration therapy has done wonders to not only help quicker healing from detrimental injuries, but it also plays an important role in preventing injuries.

The upkeep of a horse is a big responsibility, especially when it comes to ensuring that it has had sufficient to eat and the necessary required exercise. Leaving a horse out in the pasture can be nice, however, it doesn’t do much in the way of exercise, as the horses rarely tend to realise that they have been let loose to run around and get some exercise.

Vibrating Horse stays healthy

After having explored the great benefits of the vibrating platform it has been said that a vibrating horse is a healthy horse. The vibration therapy has wonderful healing effects on a horse. Horses that are suffering ligament or tendon problems or even suspensory injury are usually put in for total rest. Any kind of exercise or movement will hamper their healing process. On the down side these horses tend to put on weight and they lose their muscle tone. The time taken to heal from such injuries is quite long and in the mean while the horse deteriorates. Bring a horse back to form from such a stage is another time consuming process. With the Vitafloor vibrating platform the horse can maintain its form and it also aids in quicker healing. A vibrating horse heals much faster with the improved blood circulation.    

The benefits of the Vibrating Plate for Horses

Vibrating Plate for Horse plays an important role in shaping its health and wellbeing. The vibrating plate has been designed with an innovative technology to help increase the blood flow of the horse. The blood circulation is improved not just in the legs of the horse but to the vital organs and even to the top line of the horse. This has a number of great benefits including helping to keep the muscles toned and it improves the flexibility of the horse. The vibrating plate for horse has many beneficial effects on a horse including improving bone density and preventing osteoporosis. Over a period of time the bone strength of horse tend to weaken and this makes them very prone to bone related problems and joint issues.

Whole body massage for horses

The vibration therapy ensures that the horse gets a total massage. This could save the stable hands and the horse caretakers a lot of effort. With the help of an automated vibration platform the horse is able to enjoy a massage therapy. There is no further need to manually perform this task which can be quite time consuming, with the Vitafloor vibrating platform the horse can enjoy a total massage and the stable hand can put his time to better use. Horses seem to enjoy this vibration feeling do not make a fuss while taking this therapy.

Tuesday 5 May 2015

Fully Automated Vibrating Floor from VitaFloorThat Ensures Horse Health and Safety

Horses not only require physical training for best performance but also effective massage.

Fully automated vibrating floor system from Vitafloor helps the horse on both these aspects.

Horses require training as well as massage for giving better performance in the racing field or other activity zones. A fully automated vibrating floor can help on both counts since the vibrating horse gets both physical training and effective massage. It ensures keeping the horse in good health condition and improves safety of the animal as well.

Vitafloor offers vibrating stall for the horses that not only provides high level of physical training but also stimulates the blood circulation in the horse’s anatomy. Use of the stall and vibrating system also stimulates the muscle activities, in turn resulting in enhanced muscle power.

First of its Kind

Whole body vibration system offered by Vitafloor is one of its kinds in the market. It was exclusively created for the horses. The unique tilt mechanism that offers increased efficiency is not just rare, but even preferred by horse owners.

How Does a Vibrating Stall Help?

There are multiple benefits of using vitafloor vibration system for the horses. It is also indirect benefit for the horse owner because the horse stays healthy and safe using the system. Vibrating horse would experience exceptional improvements in blood circulation. The benefits are particularly noticeable in respect of legs and different organs in its body. Use of the vibrating stall helps in training, rehabilitation of the horse, its physical maintenance and prevents injuries. In result, the horse recovers quickly from tissue, bones, and hood problems. was established with the objective of keeping the horses comfortable with penetrating vibrations through their stalls. The results have been beneficial for the horses and much better than most other existing technologies.

Thursday 23 April 2015

Best Vibrating Stall Mats at Most Affordable Prices

Many horse owners are looking for vibrating stall mats for keeping their horses in good health and having them perform better. Vitafloor offers best whole body vibration stall mats at most affordable prices.

Horse owners often look for quality vibrating stall mats that help in keeping the horses in good physical condition and can also make them mentallyalert. There are various benefits of whole body vibration like improved blood circulation as well as muscle power enhancement. Vibrating stall mats are gaining popularity as they have proved to be beneficial for the horse.

Horses often suffer from physical deficiencies because they feel nervous without adequate blood circulation through the arteries and veins. At times, they also are subject to nervousness due to inner weaknesses felt. A quality vibrating system can get rid of both the symptoms by improving the metabolism in the body. The vibrations from the mat keep the horse comfortable in much better way than any manual massage system.

Colic Prevention

Vibrating system is a good preventive for colic issues and helps to relieve the horse from various injuries. Trainers and veterinarians experience good results in laminitis as well as the navicular diseases affecting the ability of the horses positively. Since vitafloor vibrating mats can increase bone density and improve the hoof qualities helping to alleviate the joint and muscle soreness, the horse becomes fitter and healthier.

Concerns about Prices

One of the major concerns of the buyer of vibrating stall mats is the price. While you can choose from different sellers of this product, there are companies that charge exorbitant prices. Approaching would effectively address the issue of pricing because the mats offered by them are qualitative and are available at affordable prices. is the provider of horse therapy that is now widely accepted as the best in the industry. They provide best quality stand-alone vibrating plates as well as total vibrating stall units at affordable prices for their customers. 

Wednesday 15 April 2015

Ensure your horse gets sufficient exercise with the vibrating floor

Using state of the art equipment for exercising horses is a good option. This way you can ensure that your horse has had sufficient exercise to stay healthy.

Keeping a horse healthy involves ensuring that it has sufficient exercise all year round. When your horses do not get enough exercise they are prone to injury. Of course it is every horse owner’s dream that all their horse stay in perfect health.

Whole body massage for horses

Horses love to have a good massage. Rubbing a horse down using certain stokes and massage pads can be very beneficial and can have a very good effect on your horse. However this can be very time consuming especially if you have many horses under your care. When you use the Vitafloor vibrating platform your horse can have a whole body massage without you having to put in any time or effort. The main reason for giving your horse a massage is to stimulate the blood circulation and work on the muscles. The vibrating floor is fully automated and you can just set the time and leave the horse to enjoy itself. This piece of equipment is totally safe and the horses love the vibration feeling. This is one of the best ways to keep your horse healthy as well.

Exercise your horses using the Vibrating Floor

Many times it is not possible to give your horses as much exercise as they need. The Vibrating Floor for Horses by Vitafloor is an innovative technology that can help a horse to experience the same effects as all round exercise. If you give your horse daily sessions on the Vibrating Floor for Horses it can have a wonderfull outcome on your horse. Your horse will feel refreshed and energised after their session on the vibrating floor. The tilt mechanism is great for exercising different muscles of the horse. At regular intervals the vibrating floor will tilt a certain degree at an angle. This causes the horse to put in some effort to keep its balance and in the process it exercises the different muscles groups. This is also a good option to use in different weather conditions like rain and snow when you cannot take your horses out and let them run free for a while.

Saturday 28 March 2015

Improved Healing Of Injuries With Vibration Technology

With the latest technology equipment it is very easy to exercise you horses and keep them fit. The Vitafloor vibrating platform work wonders for the horses.

Horses need a lot of exercise and training to keep fit. If horses are not exercised regularly they tend to lose their fitness. With the help of the Vitafloor technology it is possible to allow a horse to get his fitness training in his stall with a vibrating platform.

Horses that have been injured, especially those with leg injuries are usually put on rest to heal. It is important to ensure that they are healed totally before getting them to exercise again. The Vibration technology is a great healing therapy for the horses too. It not only helps to hasten the healing process but also helps to tone the horse’s muscles and make him fit. This is a great way to introduce injured horses to start training again.

Good massage for horses with Whole Body Vibration

If you want your horses to feel good and active then you should indulge it with a massage. With the Vitafloor platform the horse can have a great massage. The whole body vibration does wonders for the horse in increasing the blood circulation. The horses really seem to enjoy this experience and the massage that they get with it. The vibration therapy helps to get the blood circulation of the horses activated and this can help make a horse more active as well.  

Vitafloor Platform good for colic

When horses are given regular sessions on the vitafloor vibrating platform it help to prevent the horses from getting colic. Horses are very prone to colic, especially horses that have been on rest due to injury or illness. Colic is a very painful condition for horses and can literally incapacitate them. The vitafloor vibrating platform has been known to work wonders where colic is concerned in horses.